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How many lawyers were eligible to practice law in cities in Clark County in January compared to previous month?
There were 18 fewer active legal licenses in cities in Clark County in January compared to the previous month.
How many lawyers in good standing were practicing law in cities in Clark County as of December 2024?
There were 5,864 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of December 2024.
8 fewer attorneys held active licenses to practice law in cities in Clark County in December, 2024 compared to previous month
There were eight fewer active legal licenses in cities in Clark County in December, 2024 compared to the previous month.
5,872 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of November
There were 5,872 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of November.
Cities in Clark County recorded 1 less lawyer with an active license to practice law in November compared to previous month
There was one less an active legal license in cities in Clark County in November compared to the previous month.
How many lawyers in good standing were practicing law in cities in Clark County as of October?
Cities in Clark County recorded 5,862 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of October.
How many lawyers were eligible to practice law in cities in Clark County in October compared to previous month?
The number of lawyers with active licenses in cities in Clark County in October increased in comparison to the previous month.
Cities in Clark County recorded 5,725 lawyers in good standing as of September
Cities in Clark County recorded 5,725 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of September.
4 fewer attorneys held active licenses to practice law in cities in Clark County in September compared to previous month
The number of lawyers with active licenses in cities in Clark County in September decreased in comparison to the previous month.
Cities in Clark County recorded 5,729 lawyers in good standing as of August
There were 5,729 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of August.
2 more lawyers with active licenses to practice in cities in Clark County in August compared to previous month
There were two more active legal licenses in cities in Clark County in August compared to the previous month.
5,727 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of July
Cities in Clark County recorded 5,727 lawyers in good standing to practice law as of July.
Cities in Clark County recorded 5 fewer lawyers with active licenses to practice law in July compared to previous month
The number of lawyers with active licenses in cities in Clark County in July decreased in comparison to the previous month.
In June, 5,732 lawyers were granted admission to practice law in cities in Clark County
There were 5,732 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of June.
4 fewer lawyers with active licenses to practice in cities in Clark County in June compared to previous month
The number of lawyers with active licenses in cities in Clark County in June decreased in comparison to the previous month.
May: 5,735 lawyers in good standing to practice law in cities in Clark County
There were 5,735 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of May.
7.7% of citizens unemployed in Clark County in 2021
The unemployment rate in Clark County hit 7.7% among residents aged 16 and 65 years old in 2021.
How many lawyers in good standing were practicing law in cities in Clark County as of April?
There were 5,689 lawyers in good standing in cities in Clark County as of April.
24 fewer attorneys held active licenses to practice law in cities in Clark County in April compared to previous month
There were 24 fewer active legal licenses in cities in Clark County in April compared to the previous month.
April: How many inmates were incarcerated in Clark County?
There were 2,769 inmates in Clark County in April, according to the Nevada Department of Corrections.